Pixel Love: A Retro-Inspired Design Experience

Reviving the Eighties Gaming Culture in a Modern Trade Fair

Pixel Love, a design concept by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, brings a unique blend of digital messaging, emojis, and a throwback to the Eighties gaming culture. This award-winning installation was created to evoke joy and engagement at the HK Gifts & Premium Fair, one of Asia's largest trade fairs.

The concept of Pixel Love was inspired by the psychology of joy and how it is triggered by the receipt of positive digital messages. The design team delved into the science behind this phenomenon, discovering that dopamine, a "happy chemical," is produced in the brain when such messages are received. This insight led to the development of the Pixel Love concept, which aimed to translate this digital experience into a physical one.

Pixel Love's unique properties lie in its ability to uplift the overall ambiance of the trade fair. The design team created two installations - a welcome installation at the venue's main foyer and another at the main entry point of the exhibition hall. Both installations were designed to be eye-catching and evoke feelings of joy, thereby setting a positive tone for the attendees right from the start.

The welcome installation comprised two LED monoliths that displayed an introductory video of the trade fair's Pixel Love theme. In front of these screens were freestanding lit message icons, strategically positioned for visitors to take selfies. The entry point installation featured a giant gift box icon in front of three metal claw vending machines, with the surrounding walls covered in vinyl graphics and Eighties video game sounds playing in the background.

Pixel Love's design was realized using a variety of materials, including acrylic, wooden casing, and LED lighting for the message icons, and reusable aluminium structures covered with foamboard or mounted vinyl graphics for the structural formats. The design team faced the challenge of creating a unique concept that hadn't been done before for the fair, and that could evoke joy and engagement among the international attendees. The result was a fun, interactive space that not only elevated the fair but also created a memorable experience for the attendees.

Pixel Love was recognized for its creative and innovative design, winning the Silver A' Event and Happening Design Award in 2019. This award is given to top-of-the-line designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, and that evoke positive feelings, amazement, and wonder. The success of Pixel Love is a testament to the power of design in enhancing the overall experience of an event.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Image Credits: Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Project Team Members: Jason Cheung Dury Chin Eddie Chak KK Cheung Sheena Fung Phyllis Ng Cherry Chan
Project Name: Pixel Love
Project Client: Hong Kong Trade Development Council

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